Selective Mutism Links
I haven't had much time to actually go through all these pages very thoroughly, although I didn't just put any page about SM that I found up, and those here are not in any particular order. Some of them I just used for the paper I wrote on anxiety disorders, and some may not have anything to do with SM exactly but they can give you an idea of some of the other stuff to look for with SM. A lot of SM kids seem to have SID also, and some have other anxiety disorders as well. You can always find a lot more just by doing an internet search on any of them too!
Selective Mutism
Selective Mutism and Childhood Anxiety Disorders
Selective Mutism Anxiety Research and Treatment Center
Selective Mutism Foundation
Selective Mutism Support Group
ABC News: When Your Child Can't Speak
The Anxiety Network
Wikipedia - Selective Mutism
NYU Child Study Center
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
The Silence Within-I haven't read this book so I can't recommend it, but it may be something to look into.
SM Treatment Survey-for parents
Bach Flower Remedy Facts-I have never used these, but I've heard of them working for other SM kids
Bach Flower Essences
Sensory Integration Disorder
The SPD Network
Sensory Integration Dysfunction in Young Children
Wikipedia - Sensory Integration Dysfunction
Childhood Sensory Integration Disorder
Sensory Integration
Other Links
National Institute of Mental Health - Anxiety Disorders
Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
Gene Linked with Anxiety in Women
BBC News: Genetic Link to Anxiety
What is Anxiety? HealthWorld Online
Social Anxiety Disorder in Children and Adolescents
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